"I Have a Dream"

"Were ganna Work it Out..." PEACE

"Where is the Love"



LETS CHANGE THE WORLD!!! (song starts at 30 seconds)

Welcome...To Me~

Hey, This is the Portal to my soul, all this...
it's the me you dont know...Have fun reading into my heart.

The Power of being a Good Person-

The Power of being a Good Person-
try it.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

I believe regardless, and will always keep believing. I am sorry, that I let you think, for even a moment that you could tear me down. Cuz you know what sets us apart, I will grow and change, and will love always. Own up to whats been done, apologize, and move on and grow. Walk with my head held high. Yeah, Im sorry, for letting you think you had that power for even a second. But I wont hate you, your a product of the lies around you. I wish you the best, may you learn one day, as Im working to learn now.
With love, Someone who no longer needs you.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I feel as though, my life is quickly spinning out of control.

Going downward, slowly crashing, and Im just standing there; watching.

My heart aches, my head hurts. My chest burns, and my eyes blur.

I dont know what to do, how do I gain control.

I just want to be happy, to smile again. Once more...

Much Adieu about Nothing

You looked into my eyes, said those words, were they lies?

I forgot how happy, were those times, when you kept me in mind.

In an instant, in a flash you were here now your gone. Now I find myself asking, what went wrong?

I know your mind has changed, I can't move it, once it's made.

Sadness fills my heart, I can't help it, I just care.

But I guess this is it, no last words, so I'll write this note.

I thought about what you said, though harsh words, I got their sense.

I guess in the end, doesn't matter if I've changed, you'll always see me in those ways...

I wanted tell you that I was sorry, for it all.

I know you'll never see me, as that sweet girl.

I never meant to hurt you, I was just a fool, so deeply in love.

I never should have chased you, or done those desperate things, moments I'm not proud of..

If you knew just what I meant, and how I felt, you'd know,

this is for real... So from the bottom of my heart, I'm sorry, and I have love for you.

But I'll keep it short, you wont hear from me anymore.

With those words I promise you, I will never bother you.

And if you ever slip up, and come to me, I swear I'll make it easy, and give you no reply.

So this is my gift to you, forevermore I bid you adieu.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Why does it hurt, why does my heart tear, at the thought, that your no longer there?

A poisoned love, thorn through my heart, my toxic rose, so harsh was your love.

Long for your look, long for your touch, isn't once enough?! it seems as though I long for you pain and suffering too.

No good were you, but yet here am, writing this little petty note.

I take a step out, but as soon as you advance into my life, I fall 3 steps back.

No more do I cry, at the missing sight of your eyes, but oh how my heart begs for your unwilling lullaby.

I don't know how, to rid of this pain; will you never think of me again?

My mind no longer yearns for your torture, at least to some point, I have mustered enough courage.

But deep inside, where secrets lie, I wish for you, even one last time...

And if I ever got that time, I debate between gauging your eyes out or kissing you as though you were mine.

But no more, will I think of this, at least for now...I am rid of you.

And when you return to haunt me once more, will you this time leave a note at my door;

telling me, why, you tortured me so...

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Dont assume the worst, or bad will always come. Keep your expectations realistic, so disappointment doesnt hit you when it doesnt always turn out your way. Think a little less, and smile a lil more. Life's not as complicated as it seems, and when it is- Scream, yell, cry, but never give up. Then get back up, and you keep walkin. Cuz life goes on, and time truly does heal the wounds and gashes, and scars are part of life. Dont dwell on the past, live in the present and look forward to the future. But most of all, be grateful for it all, because what doesnt kill you, makes you stronger. So much to enjoy in life, so why stand there thinkin about what went wrong? When there's so much right to be done. =)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Sunday, November 20, 2011

What drives you?

What drives a person to think that they don't deserve kindness or respect?
Abuse?? Hardship??
What drives a person to think they're so worthy of kindness and respect when they don't ever give a single ounce of it?
Guilt? Fear? Cowardliness??
The wicked hide behind false walls of strength, and the good are convinced they are worthless...
God is the only one who can judge us.
So let no one tell you your not worth it, and let the self righteous fall hard upon their own lies. We all go through the hard, to learn and cherish the right.
So be grateful, and don't forget that everything you have, will one day be gone,
and in the end.....
All that matters is what you've done, and said on this earth, cuz the rest, is temporary.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Coinscience; (Life Lesson)

Move aside, step outside.
Beside yourself.
You see yourself?
Look as you make that choice, choose that thing.
Hear as you say those words, whisper those nothings.
Look into their eyes, hold onto their arm.
Kiss their lips, and taste their mouths.
Feel their breaths, feel their hands.
Your hearts racing, you feel that rush?
But watch it from the outside. You know as you see all that, there's more than meets the eye.
Your eyes glazed over, shut tight, refusing to look into the face of a stranger.
Grip their arm, keep yourself steady, as you release an unknown laugh for some question mark reason to some joke and phrases you cant remember.
Everything feels like it's moving, and your being dragged along.
Kissing them, no thoughts, all worries buried underneath slurred words and unknown moments.
The taste, bearable, and almost wanted.
Your body accepting, and slowly clinging to this unfamiliar shape next to you.
Feeling the vapor of your altercations across your mouth, across your skin.
Their hands a teasing persistent menace to your morals; as they pull and tug at you.
Groggily refuse, and then once again taken over, under a spell you no longer can control.
Almost in too deep, almost don't care.
But Wait!
Watch as you stop it, and all reality rushes back, for a few seconds you remember, a few minutes you regret it, for a few moments you wanna pull away.
But there you go, diving back in, with a person committing the same acts as you.
Now walk away, head held down, cause you just got to watch one of your moments of shame, from the outside.
And at times, that's all you do; sit there and imagine your life, watch it reel before you as you stand beside yourself.
But which shoulder will your hand land on?
Will you be the angel or the devil to the person you stand beside?

Moving So Fast; (Slow Down)

It's not my intent, to rush, to fly through the parts of life that should be slowed and paused for forever.
To regret, forget the things that made you who you are today.
To relinquish power to those who are no good for you.
To lay reliving, rethinking of the pain from yesterday.
Dreaming, blowing wishes to the wind.
Hopin someday those little whispers will become a reality.
But there they go, riding the breezes of tomorrow, watch them fade into the debris of yesterday.
It's no coincidence, you came into my life. You sweet pretty little thing.
A heart of gold, lips so soft and smooth, a mind so sweet, make me melt caught in those pretty brown eyes.
But stuck, in liquid love, molten honey. Burning into me, right through me.
Searing pain, breaks me in two at times.
What do I do?
Can't choose between the two- God and you.
Shoulda stayed alone, shoulda never spoken, opened my mouth to spill these ridiculous tears.
Now Im riding my own mess. Intoxicated in this bliss.
Downright split in two.
But what's the rush, no need to speed.
After-all, I'm paying for my own deeds..

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Friday, August 26, 2011

How do I say it?!??

What to do, what to do-
When the heart is split in two.
She says, "Gaby I love you."
And I always say, "Baby I love you too."
But how do I let you know that my hearts else where, hiding deep inside me.
I dont wanna give it away, I wanna live.
Before I give away this key.
But dont misunderstand, the thought of never hearing your voice again is something I cant stand.
The vision of the tears, you once let me hear, breaks me down.
I wanna do good by you, but trust me when I say, you really dont understand.
You dont know how I die inside, when I cant hold you at night.
I just cant lie to you, or me.
And this does have somethin to do with her, but its mainly bout me.
Your the sweetest, kindest, greatest person to ever love me.
And oh how I wish we could be!
But right now, we cant, and I hope one day we maybe could?
You might hate me after I say this, but trust me....your better off without me.
You deserve the best, and even though you say it's me.
Im telling you, it's not.
So baby please be strong, hate me if it helps you, but try and see.
I love you....
Now if only I could tell her this.....

Thursday, August 18, 2011

You remind me, of me. So blind fighting for a love, that can not be. My crazy little honey bee.You have no clue how much you mean to me.I think, I could really love thee
The truth is...right now....I want nothing more than to be in your arms tonight.....even though i wish youd die. I hate that i still love you with all my life!
I'll never let it show......you will never know......just how much this hurts....Every. Single. Day...
Oh how I hate you, words could not describe the fire of hate I feel inside.
How every fiber of my being burns when I think of you.
How ever part of me shakes with pain, at the mere mention of your name.
How..you drive me insane! Without even being here.....
I cry! I cry inside!! Every day I must carry that part of me that died....the day you said those things......
Every day I trudge with a part of me missing, a part so deep, I feel that at times I may just collapse from the inside out, without that little part of me.....
I am incomplete.
And you have the rest of me...
If I say "just keep it!" Will you let me be?
Will you no longer haunt my dreams??
I dont even want to be complete, at this point, all I want, is peace of mind, and peace of heart.
For my soul to troll no more.
Just let me erase!! Please oh God let me forget!!!
Every stupid part of you, every stupid kiss we shared, every stupid love note I wrote, every stupid lie you told, every single stupid memory we created, especially the ones that we had planned....for our future.
Let me forget them! Every last damn word!!!
Erase them! Burn them all!!.....
Oh God.....please burn them all.......

Sunday, August 14, 2011

I see your face, in my mind. I see your face, all the time. I see your face, I see your face- You poor twisted Disgrace.
Your In Love with a Dream, so Dont be Decieved.
Sometimes I hope that I'll lose my mind, so that I can live in this silly world of mine and just forget time.
Thank you...for setting me free. =)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Question to the ones who cause pain

Cmon, is that all you got? This dull sadness, blunt anger, oblique pain? Is that it!?....No nothing, just thought I'd ask.

Thoughts of Our End.

I know your gone, permanently dissipated.
But forever burned in my memory, etched on my soul, forced onto my heart.
How I wish I could rip you from my heart, erase you from my memory, and clean you from my soul.
But I know it's meant to be as it is, didn't have to go as it did, but I cant change what has been..
As much as it pains me to see, the craze in your mind.
I pity you for the lies, you believe.
But I will always love you.....Till the day I die.
And in my heart you'll always lie.
As much as I wish I could begin again, in land far away, from all the pain.
Just let it all fade, close my eyes and begin again...
But here I stand, I'll be at the top, of something that you will never understand.
My sweet Butterfly, may you understand....

"My Sweet Honey Bee"


Fear of the Uknown

Its like loving a ghost. Wanting to hold, what might not really be there.

Trusting what might easily flee away.

It's the fear of what you cant see...

The fear of what you can't touch...

But you can feel.

You can feel it there as if they were right in front of you.

You could see a picture, close your eyes and imagine theyre there, at your side, lying with you, holding your hand.

But the relief that theyre not there, sometimes, so you know you'll never have to feel the pain of not having them there.

You cant miss what you never had.


Yet I miss you, I crave you, I want you.....And dare I say it- I fear I may need you....

But so much rides on this decision....so many factors.... the same factors that had torn me apart before, now return..

But your not like them, at all....

Yet, you silly ghost, you still haunt my every waking thought, and bring a smile to this twisted heart.

Oh how I adore you so.

But let me just walk on, and think I know what Im doing, and ignore this yanking fear

of the Unknown.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Bliss Mess-Lovely Dream

I never get tired of hearin your voice. Seenin your face. Its kind of a maze, this intricate bliss mess that we've created. But here we'll lie, in our mess, playing with the stars, realigning the world. Pretending that we know. that we understand the extent, of this bliss mess.

But its okay, thats why we got every day, to wake up and make our ways. I mean, I might not get this, lovely dream. But I know that this just might be, as we see.

It might just be a blissful dream, an unreal seam, stitched by the hands higher than we, meant to let us be, and tying us together in this dream. But its crazy, you try and blink it away, but its kind of hazy. Nothings clear, you wanna walk forward but you got your hands out in front to support you, tryin to feel your way, not knowing the time of day.

But were in too deep, jumped too far, falling too hard. Its kind of scary, when I move to cover my eyes, feelin too weary- I feel you,takin me in, holdin my hands, grabin me tight, telling me it'll all be alright.

"I'll never be like them." And I dont gatta believe it, cuz I know it. Your nothing like them, not even close to the stem, which their black heart grew from.

Your the equivalent to gold, rare and precious. We speak; you use a voice that makes me go weak, that would make even the most senile come to, honey sweet times two. Watch us pretend, act like we wont ever bend. Like were so tough, and we dont care. But heres the stare, in your eyes i could find my soul. the one you stole the moment I opened that door.

Baby its clear, like crystal, youll see my tears, but not cuz you make me sad, not because of the fear, but cuz were that near, and id let you go where no ones veered. Id let you see,all the way, deep inside me.

I dont know how this can be, its no dream, its as it seems, all of this you mean to me.

Its a blissful mess, that i wouldnt wish away; not for all the dreams of yesterday.

Because for now your my lovely dream, a high quality reality.

And ima lie in this mess, twisted and tied, to your eyes.

But I wont turn my gaze, cuz I wanna die in this daze.

Forever more Ima spend my days, lost in this mess, cuz it truly is, the best bliss that i dont wanna ever miss..

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Learning to Love

It’s unbelievable to think, that este corazonsito mio, could carry such a pain.

A pain that could wash away every brilliant light on this earth and still keep running.

The pain of heartbreak……

But at the same time it’s impossible to know the true splendor of love, until you feel it, feel it with every fiber of your being, until you let it run through every vain and vessel in your body, until you’ve looked into those eyes, and seen the future of your life in their reflection. Until you’ve felt every great emotion through one touch of their lips on yours.

Now you might say it’s them, but no, that is the work of love. Only love will allow you to feel that and so much more. It’s….indescribable…..

How every hope, aspiration, every whim and smile, rides with that one person. That one single being alone…..carries your life……your heart……in their hands…..And it’s as if they and only they could make the lasting difference.

When your world was troubled it was them that you went to, to hold you, the only ones you could cry to, the ones you’d trust with your life…….The same only person, that you, would give your life for……….

Yes, it’s indescribable……it leaves you speechless, but wanting to say so much more…….

It’s the feeling that philosophers, poets, playwrights, lyricists, rappers, singers, artist, and so many more having been trying to capture through words, and pictures for centuries.

It’s the one emotion, whose essence cannot be captured through any human means what so ever…but one….and that one mean……is to feel it…..just to feel it.

There is no other way…..and you could for live eternity, you could be immortal, but you will not have lived until you have fallen in love……hopelessly in love.

It’s a beauty of a different kind, a delicate, unmatched, beauty…….

Nothing comes close in comparison, except for that one special person. Try as you might but no rose, no sun set, no starry night, or rainy day will be as beautiful as it was than the day when you saw it with them……

It’s not a curse. It’s nothing bad. If you pick the right person, it will be a harmonious unmatched splendor that God willing will last you forever……

You must never be afraid to feel it. You have to let it in. Why live a life in fear, in fear of emotions that we were created to feel. Let it in, let it fill you, and let yourself feel the feeling that a thousand words or more could never describe……

It truly is better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all…..

I will mourn my love for now, but I will carry that feeling of love forever…….

Feel it….Experience it, cherish it……And never forget it……

Love, el amor, l'amour, dolce amore,…….sweet sweet love……..

There’s not much else to say about it…….But you will know……once it hits you, let it enter and fill you, you will know……..You will know its warmth…..how it will change you…..make you appreciate the world in ways you never understood before, make you care for someone in ways….so tender……you didn’t even know were in you……..

Feel it…..It’s love……the greatest feeling you could ever feel, so when it comes, don’t let it go by……because a life without love…..is no life at all…….

Learn to love…

Friday, June 24, 2011

Regardless of where you go, who youre with, or what youve done....dead as u may b to me.....my heart will always call for you.......i miss you.....quietly....

Friday, June 10, 2011


Laying the dead to rest. R.I.P. ghost from my now past, nightmare from my now pain, love from my then happiness, Rest In Peace, because no more will you feel my sweet embrace, or taste my skin, or feel my love, no more will you receive those comforts and pleasures, that you once craved....No more....I did love thee,...unconditionally. But now someone else can take that bullet for you. I bid you adieu. My once love, my now pain, and my future.....nothing?.....R.I.H......<3

I spent the last hour and a half thinking of you, of me,..of we. And your right....I am strong. If I were weak,...I wouldn't be here. And one day...Ill be strong enough to say..."I forgive you Yvonne Rivera....i forgive you" but that day is not yet here......I spent the last hour and a half realizing how stupid i acted.....but i put my faith in the right things. It was you that failed me.....not my faith. I believed in friendship, loyalty, honesty, kindness, courage and love.....above all i believed in love.....but it wasn't my faith in those things that failed me......it was you. You were weak. To weak to believe, too weak to see.....but you will grow as will i.....and one day,...somewhere we'll meet......and you'll look at me.....and you'll understand everything i had told you when we were in love.....and you'll think "that crazy girl had some good points...."....... We wont forget..........Will we Butterfly?........Always&Forever...........


I was never in love with you....I was in love with love.....

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Cloud 9

Shes got me floating on cloud 9.
When I talk with her its like every bad thing just dies.
Shes beauty, how I wish I could make her all mine.
Shes so sweet, so fine. And one of a kind.
I wanna be with her all of the time.
Be my princesss, my queen, my sweet Stephanie.

Friday, May 27, 2011

What is this i feel?
Is this right?
I am losing all the need i had to leave you.
But yet, i still have want, i still have drive..
But....i love you....
And so much says "stay." When every logical thing says go. What to do?....what do i do??.........

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Without you......

I look out at the sea of people. An ocean of eyes, voices and skin. And see no one..
I listen to the suitors, of admirers, and of loved ones. And hear nothing..
I reach for the air, the water, the dirt beneath my feet, or the feel of warmth in someone else. And feel nothing..
Without you......Everything else is empty and lifeless.
It was through you I could see, I could hear, and I could feel.
It was through you, that I was alive.

Let me be........

Try as I might, work as I will, I just cant find the way to rid my mind of you. At times its easy, a few cuss words from you said the right way and Im set to just walk away and never look back.

But why, WHY?! do you follow as I leave??

You want me gone, so I go.

But then you mutter one of your honest "Im Sorrys." You make me laugh, make me smile, make me want to talk to you even when Im mad. And so I listen....

Until you do it all over again, it never changes.....My hearts in knots twisted by your grasp.

Let me be! Just leave me be....

I want no more of your smiles, no more of your laughs, no more of your jokes or cute words.

"I dont want to fall another moment into your gravity."

"Your neither friend or foe though I cant seem to let you go, but one thing that I do know, is that your keeping me down..."

"But something always brings me back to you...It never takes too long."

No matter what I see or do, its you that always lingers in my mind......Why is it so hard.....

Is it the anger I feel towards you? The undying sadness? The everlasting pain? Or the haunting memory of our happiness that hovers everywhere??............

So many promises......So many secrets........So many things......between two people.

Can you really erase it all? Can you really forget me that easily??.........

Can you really pretend that we never kissed or loved?........

That those things were never said, and that we didnt almost spent the rest of our lives together........

Can you really pretend so much that you forget.....??

"Did I really make it that easy to walk right in and out of my life?"

"I should have known youd bring me heartache, almost lovers always do....."

But I cant help what I felt, it was never my plan to Love You.....

But I know if I went back in time and had a chance to change what has been, with no knowledge of the future except that at that moment I did one bad choice, I can assure you that I would never have thought it was you.

And I'd fall for you, every, single, time.......

I wanted to share it all. Give it all to you!......But you didnt understand....you didnt get the feelings I was showing you. Intensity just wasnt in your arsenal of emotions.......You turned away, when I told you what I wanted to share for our future, you laughed when i told you my dreams...........and you ran when I showed you how much i really loved you....

You didnt understand.......You felt that the only kind of genius came from books and GPAs.

You called me stupid, and said you would never respect me until I was up to par with your unrealistic expectations........

You tore everything I believed, and shredded my hopes and dreams......

You left me with nothing to stand on, so I fell.......

And now here I sit, in a dark pit, with nothing but broken pieces of everything I ever thought was real.....

But when you said...."I never loved you. i regret it all. I regret everything!"..............

Even my dark pit of despair crumbled in. I was caved in by the very words that will haunt me forever.....

You never loved me........you even told me the only thing that kept you around was your lust.......

I never meant a thing.......Everything yo said, everything you shared.......was a lie........

I lost it........I panicked. Searching for reason, searching for proof to combat every word you uttered.......

I couldnt believe that I spent three years of my life giving all of myself........to someone who lied to me all along.

I had to find justification. That our secrets, our promises did mean something.

That a part of you will always be mine..............

I didnt ask to hear those things......you go out your way to hurt me...........

But I'm still here. I still stand. I made out of the hole you threw me in and left me in for dead.

Now I walk, alone and deserted, distraught.....Not being able to comprehend the idea of you meaning what you said.......

"So your gone and Im broken but I bet that you are just fine....."

"Goodbye my almost lover, goodbye my hopeless dream Im trying not to think about you cant you just................... let me be!!!......"

Almost Lover- A Fine Frenzy


Gravity-Sara Bareilles http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEXhAMtbaec

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Life support for the Heartless

You leach on, with all your might, intent on sucking out all the life.
You break hearts, destroy families, and make people go insane.
Your life support is that which you steal from others, you take and take and you'd rather run 100 miles North, than ever have to give anything back.
Your cold; transparent mind, with a glass heart.
Your delicate to the touch, but so far have you fallen, you have lost all human inclinations.
All thats left is an empty shell, of a human that once was.
Your heartless.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Just wishful thinking....

If I said that I need you, would you be there?
If I said I miss you, would you even think once of me?
If I said that I would die for you, would you even care?
If I said I die without you, would you even glance back?
If I said that I think of you always, miss you dearly, am dying with every hour that passes without you, would it mean anything?.....

Monday, May 2, 2011

Titanic Memory Moment........

I was just sitting here, studying, music playing in the background when before I knew it I found myself thinking of shared kisses and the beauty of moments from not so long ago.......When I noticed it was this song playing, from a movie that we all know and love, Titanic.
I remember when we first watched it.........I waited so long to watch it with you...........we kissed on the part when this song played, when Jack and Rose first kiss. Its hard to forget, when your everywhere............Theres just too many moments where we had our own magical kiss, that made everything seem perfect...........It makes me smile............But I cant help but always think in the back of my mind if its just me............If it was just me who felt the magic all along..the touches, whispers, laughs, murmurs.............did they mean at all the same to you?.............Or is it really....just me?
"I'll Never let go," of those memories regardless.....there's too much beauty in those memories to let them slip away so easily......

Monday, April 25, 2011

Weak Moment

My heart still beats for you.
At night my mind still thinks of you.
When I dream, its you I end up with.
Ive no shame, to express my fondness.
No fear, to stop me from letting you know the few moments I am weak and I long for your embrace once more.
At times I am afraid, that if you asked me back, I would go.
I only fear my love for you.
I was once told that "love gives the same effects as drugs do to the mind and body"
"and when someone goes through withdrawal they are actually experiencing the same effects as someone who did drugs"
Love is strong. Love is powerful. Love can overwhelm the strongest.
I thought I was strong once. I thought I was brave.
But love put me to the test< love made me crawl.
It stripped me of my pride. Made me naked and bear.
Id give it all to you, at times I think to myself, if it meant I'd hold you again.
I know I musnt, I know yes its bad.
But this thing we call Love. Knows no limits in its pursuit to consume its victims.
I wish I could outrun, destroy it, kill it, fight it.
But I finally found my match. And it's not you.
Its this heart of mine that cries for you.
It hurts at times. Bleeds your name, tattoos it across my mind. So I see your face, and smile. I hear your laugh and I go wild.
Like an animal in a cage. Tortured to no end. I go insane sometimes. But yet I still try. To hide it all inside. Because a really pretty girl, asked me to.
She doesnt see how I die inside. But for her Id climb a mountain side. Its love, that poison has infected my mind.
But shh, dont ever tell, that if there ever was a cure, I would never take it. For loving her, was and is, the greatest.
So I'll straighten my legs, and stand back up. Ill silence my heart and calm my soul. But without her, it will always be something near the end of me.
Yes love has got me. The only thing to have brought me to my knees. But I'll try not to surrender to thee. But oh how my heart aches in times like these...But it'll pass, it'll stop.
But without her, it'll never heal.
My heart still beats for you, at night my mind still thinks of you....And no chain could ever hold back my heart, this love drug, is just too strong.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Dont underestimate the power of word.
Every unspoken word could sting like a thousand knives, and any spoken world could take just as many lives.
Its hard to see how a few words could do anything. But words have changed nations.
What if I told you mine were meant to change a planet?
I believe words could prevent an apocalypse.
And I also believe that ours is upon on us.
Be the change you wanna be, you dont have a lifetime, you have every second of now.
Make it count, live out of anger, away from pain. Be good and kind to those who hurt you.
If you live to hurt those who hurt you, your just like them.....It does no good to be like the bad of the ones you look down at. Look up and keep walking.
Because in the end all that will matter is you, and no one else.
No one elses judgment or actions will determine your fate, only yours will.
So be who you want to be now, because it all adds up.
Cmon, you be the pad and Ill be the paper, lets write an ending for this world to look up at and follow, and become the world of peace we all dream of.
Lets be the best us we can be...

“A women’s heart is as deep as the ocean,” it’s perilous and full of secrets. It’s a wonder what we keep locked away, in the crevices of our hearts and minds…

There is no journey left untouched by the mystique of life. No heart unchanged by the tinge of love. There are no lips untouched by the hint of joy. There is no one left unturned by the power of emotion.

Nothing in this life is worth having, if you do not feel passion for it. A need, a want, a ‘must have’ feeling for whatever it is you treasure most, or hold dearest. A want….So strong nothing can stand in the path between you and it.

Love is that passion for me. Love burns me free. Sets me alit amongst the world, to wander in joyous confusion, in utter disillusion. Love melts all pain away, and at other times it scathes the worst scars in its way…

But one must never quit. There is no end to the attainment of happiness, until complete utter delusional joy is attained. Happiness so great you drown in it. That is true joy. And it is eternal.

The path to that joy is long, and tiresome. Lonely and almost abandoned. A true warriors’ path. But with a god’s reward.

A lil Lesson:

Theres something to be said about the quiet and smart. As your on loud Ima sit back and do my thing. It not up to you to judge who I should be, none of you are better off. So go on, rant and bant.
But dont expect anything from me. Im smile and walk away. And then one day, Im blow you away when I say "look mom, Im the president!"

Quite means theres more than meets the eye.
If you say everything on your mind then youve got no substance.
If all you do is talk and never listen, your on your way to quick grave, with ignorance as you crime.
Cmon world listen up!
Be slow to judge, quick to listen, and somewhere in between is where you should be doin all your thinking.
The mute are the intelligent ones.

There Aint no Rest for the wicked

"There aint no Rest for the wicked. Until we close our eyes for good" - Aint no Rest for the Wicked by Cage the Elephant.

Theres too many good lessons to learn from songs.
ma start a religion where we worship history's famous songs and quotes.
Bless you music, without you I'd be dead.
And yes im kidding bout the worshiping of music. I believe in God,
but music is definitely one my gospels.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Tell me how i win your heart? Id buy the moon if itd make you mine.

One thing I ask of thee...

Wheres thine lips, whose sweet curves have caressed mine so often?
Wheres thine arms, whose embrace have cradled me so warmly?
Wheres thine love, of which I coveted so closely?
I ask of thee only one thing-
Let me keep mine fond memories of you, intact as I have them now?
I only wish to see thee in the warm light I have given you, so perfect, so warm.
Will thee allow such a pleasure for one such as me?
Toy Soldier with a Glass Heart

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