"I Have a Dream"

"Were ganna Work it Out..." PEACE

"Where is the Love"



LETS CHANGE THE WORLD!!! (song starts at 30 seconds)

Welcome...To Me~

Hey, This is the Portal to my soul, all this...
it's the me you dont know...Have fun reading into my heart.

The Power of being a Good Person-

The Power of being a Good Person-
try it.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Fix it all?

If I just wave a wand and say POOF and make everything Perfect,
I would.
If I could just wish on a star and make everything Ive ever done wrong be gone,
[to wish all those I hurt, cured.
All those I made cry, spared.
All those I made angery, Happy.]
I would.
If I could just grab a wrench and tweak and fix all my imperfections,
I would.
But I Can't.
Never say Never,
But I cant,
I really just cant...
God knows that with every day I feel the EXtreme guilt,
of what Ive done;
of all those Ive hurt.
I carry the pain,
of all those that have hurt me.
Everyday, I FEEL it,
Everyday, I HEAR the hate, like a broken record,
Everyday, I could [swear] I can TOUCH it, GRASP it;
The Horror, takes form, through me, In Me.
It moves, and runs,
Drives and swims,
Carrying Terror Throughtout every GoshDamn Vain and Essance of my body,
Dropping little Demons that Crawl throught my brain,
That leave little reels of tape behind,
So I can watch and relive the Horrid Terror again,
and again and again and again
and again and again
But I make mistakes,
but the thing that seperates me from most others,
is that I Learn,
Yes, the hard way, Always the Hard Way.
But I learn,
and I Grow...
Sometimes, in the wrong direction...
But somehow...I Always make it to the light...
And I KNOW lifes Just begun..
And it Terrifies me, but...
I Am Brave,and I WILL Fight,
And Ill go through livin life best I can,
Stupid as I am.
So No,
I Cant Fix it all,
But I WILL try.
Just keep that smile on for me, with ur heart in full shine on it,
and Ill come around, and realize by someway how Effin Dumb I am, and how I cant quiet get the rights words out straight, right when its most important.
And somehow...Ill say the right things,
And Sometimes...Just Sometimes...
We Can Fix It All.
(And if not...Make Sure, you can say, You Tried.)

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Toy Soldier with a Glass Heart

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