"I Have a Dream"

"Were ganna Work it Out..." PEACE

"Where is the Love"



LETS CHANGE THE WORLD!!! (song starts at 30 seconds)

Welcome...To Me~

Hey, This is the Portal to my soul, all this...
it's the me you dont know...Have fun reading into my heart.

The Power of being a Good Person-

The Power of being a Good Person-
try it.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Humanity- Kindness Can Save.

See your Hand??
Do you See her cry? No? Even after she told you she cries so much inside...
See your arm??
See her sad?
Take that arm and outstretch it towards her, take that hand and place it on her shoulder.
So those sad eyes, weak smile, and lie, tell you, "no...I'm fine."
Don't say ok...Because it's easier. Stop the urge to run, look her straight in the eyes, and tell her-
"Are you sure?" And show her that your Truly there for her... [(If your ganna play the role of "friend" then play it right, or quit b4 it's too late...)]
If not...Then you'll see....The next day....Did you hear the news? About the girl??
They said she had been suffering from depression for a while now.
Yeah, she asked for help. No, no one [truly] listened.
Did you hear???
How she ended her life...
One Kind act can make the difference between life or death for one person...If we all made at Least One move for kindness a day....WE Could Save Hundreds.

The Price Humanity Shall Pay...

I Cant see,

I'm Scared.

My Visions blurred, Because I'm afraid.

I feel bad,

I worry.

I worry because I feel Guilty.

There's no way out,

I Panic.

I Panic because I'm Trapped in my own Web...

I spun myself into this Entanglement,

But not without help.

Those who helped create it,

and those who help destroy it.

I keep my mouth so shut on so many things,

giving people the chance to "think" they have power over me.

Those poor Bastards.

I am Sensitive yes,

Better to feel than to be Hollow, Heartless, and Shallow.

I Make Mistakes,

Better to fail, Learn, and Carry on,

I at Least Can Admit I made them.

But with the way I Feel,

the things I envision-

How much Longer can I make it?

With this corruptness and coldness of humans,

How much Longer will this world actually carry on??

Not Much Longer...For a World can not Exist in so much hatred...

We were born from Love-

& Without it we can not live.

I too shall die...Alone, as I feel now?...I Hope Not.

As much of the future, and the world, and the people who inhabit it, as I know.

I Still Fear so Very Much...

For Humanity...

They will Suffer,

if they Do Not open their Eyes and Learn.
How can this be??
Please don't set me free...
It's what I want, yes.
But not in this form.
Not like this!
Please dont,...
dont do this to me!
I cant take it, cant handle anymore Pain...
I just Cant...
If you do this to me I'll break,
not Crack,
But Full Out Break.
You Can't Leave me...
Your not the First, yeah....But your....
My Mom...
So You Cant, Just CANT!
Leave me...
I feel so bad, Look at who've I become.
I can't move on, because of what I've done.
It's not ALL My fault, they helped a lot with it.
But who carries the burden, me.
I wish to Pretend like it never happened, but I can't deny it did.
So confused, am I really what I'm becoming, what they say I am??
No! I don't want to be, I wont succumb to it, I will fight it to the end...
But when is that?? Whens the end?
More Murderess I become, it's driving me crazy, running me to the edge.
I don't want this any longer, how does everyone else cope?!?!
I don't know. But I'm alone as well, I need to find that someone who loves me, and actually cares for my well being..., who will make Me Want to Change Who I Am & Become a Better Person.
I need Motivation, Guidance...Help!...
I cant do this any longer. But I'm also determined to avoid what I used to be...so Dark & Suicidal... I don't want to be that again...Not again. But sometimes it's so hard...to resist...the Urge, the Temptation that is Death & Pain. I Do Not ask to suffer, but I do. I do not enjoy to plead, but I must...For it is the only way...Anyone Will Hear Me...

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Im sorry- I got involved.
Sorry- I let my emotions get the best of me.
Sorry- Im human.
Sorry- Your her's and not mine.
Sorry- you dont see what they realize.
Sometimes Im even Sorry- You Met Me...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Dont Fade Away...

Hold my hand,

rest on me.

But whatever you do, dont fade away...

Kick and scream as you may, I won't let you go.

Cry and beg as you please, I won't let you quit.

Let me carry your baggage, regardles of the damage.

Why do I go through all this trouble?

Why do I care?

Why do I bother so damn much?!


I love you...


Your my [Mamy]...

All that you've done for me...

It's my turn to do for you...

Just wish...I could do more....
But I wont let you go,
I wont let you Down,
So....Dont....Fade Away....

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Gatta love, those moments where all we have is each other.
And even though I'm not completely yours and your not completely mine-
for those few moments together we're no one elses but each others. (Well at least that's what I see/feel.) And as wrong as it may be in everyone elses eyes, in ours it's an-adventure? An arousing experience, I mean there's no other teacher I'd rather have than you...And wrong as it may seem, Bad as the world may see it-It's what I feel, Lo que siento- And I cant help it.
What's wrong with experimenting- curiosity.? Fun??
I mean when you touch me, the way you move with me in your arms, the way you kiss me, the way your arms trace my contents...How can you help it? Your smell, your touch, your taste...EveRything! How could anyone, resist?! ... Well I cant...Or at least...I don't want to... I like what I feel...I like the rush of doing what I shouldn't, but mainly...I like feeling so wanted by someone I want as well....At least for those few moments we're together, just then, that's what I sensed, but I'll like it when Im with them or not...lol. But I love it most, for those few moments-When Im theirs and their mine...
Toy Soldier with a Glass Heart

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