"I Have a Dream"

"Were ganna Work it Out..." PEACE

"Where is the Love"



LETS CHANGE THE WORLD!!! (song starts at 30 seconds)

Welcome...To Me~

Hey, This is the Portal to my soul, all this...
it's the me you dont know...Have fun reading into my heart.

The Power of being a Good Person-

The Power of being a Good Person-
try it.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

When I lay at night, because I can't sleep,
I lay and think of all- Everything.
And I start to think, Will I make it?
And if I do...Will I be Allowed in??
I begin to grow desperate, and when Im not crying, or hurting-
I Pray...to God...That he may save all those who feel as I do and worse.
I Pray, that no one else feel like me. That no one should have to feel like this.
I pray, Mamy get better,
Sister dont ever rember, be happy and innocent for as long as forever.
I Pray that people would understand each other, for more kindness,
that they'd understand me...
I Pray, for forgivness, no I Plead.
I Pray that if Im not saved, that at least others may learn from me, that my sister wont do the same or fall as hard, that others wont go this way and take a better path.
I Pray, that THEY all live better, than I feel...and are rewarded for their good and learn from their bad, and that they dont repeat the same mistakes.
I Pray, they be happy.
That's what I want. Kindness and Understanding of one another world wide...
And if possible, God could spare a moment to make me sane again, that'd be nice too...

Fatal Attraction

Scared for Life you Left me,
But in a Deadly Liking I find myself.
Just for enjoyment, we Play this Little Game.
Only for Pleasure, We Break the Rules.
I hate What you Did to Me,
Cry at just the thought of What it Had felt Like.
Hatred I carry For You,
Now turned into nothing more Than a Want.
A Crazy Battle I fight within myself,
to Carry Your Command and Resist my Needs.
Why?! WHY?!?! You Do Nothing for Me!
But yet here, I Feel, what I Hide, and Lie about;
Because I Will Not let it be real.
(I Will- NOT. Not Again...)
Ripped for Life You Left Me,
But in a Fatal Attraction, I stand.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

What I Want---is--->You.

I Want to Be All the New in Your Life.
I Want to Be All that You Need.
I Want to Be All that You Want.
I Want to Be There for You.
I Want You to Let Me In.
I Want to Be the Only One You Want to Hold.
I Want to

Call Me-
Talk to Me-
Tell Me All it is That You Hide.
I Want to Be the Only One there for You (in so many ways.)
I Want...You to Want Me.
I Want You to Need Me.
I Want You, Not to Replace Me...

A Promise~To You: (Hold My Hand)

Hold My Hand,
Comfort Me.
And I'll Guide You,
Trust in Me.
Dont Be Scared,
I've Always Had Your Back.
Even When You Cut Me Out of the Picture,
I Was There at Your Side...
So Dont Run From the Good in Your Life.
I Wont Hurt You,
Never have.
Hold My Hand,
Dont You Fear-
I Only Want the Best For YOU.
I Care-
So the Least You Could Do, is-
Not Insult Me(;and My Efforts),
And Let Me in-
Trust Me~
I wont Ever Hurt You...
~I Promise~

Friday, July 18, 2008

You Are-

You brighten my day,
when sky's are gray.
You are my inspiration,
when my words go dry.
You clear my eyes,
when tears blur my vision.
You make me sing,
when all I had felt was to scream.
You made me laugh,
when all I wanted was to die.
You were there when I wanted to run,
and You took me by the hand and made me stay.
You Are...My All.
You Are My:
My Inspiration,
My want, need, goal
and addiction.
You Are:
the rhythm i play,
the tune i sing
beat i hum.
that i hold dear,
and always keep near.
always there,
crazy, wild, and fun,
always someone to love.
my creator, protector, and (supporter?).
My Soul,
the essence of me,
where the All flows to & from,
my words,
and all else I failed to mention.
You are My Everything.
You Are,
My Me.
(Please note that this isnt about a person and I listed what the you was)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Savor Our Fantasy...

Take my hand-
Dance with Me.
twirl across the stars with me,
lead the way,
to the moon.
We'll hide there,
untill the day, this Fantasy ends.
The day when we will awaken
and interlocked [with each other];
with burning, rising flames around us.
But Untill then...
Dont let this-
~Fantasy~, Fade...
(Im Living in a Fantasy...)
Wonder How Long it'll last...?

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Tell me, all your secrets, all you hide, deep inside.
I'll be your box. Your storage of dreams, fears and hopes.
Keep me close, I'll protect you & all that you tell me.
Trust in me, and we'll go deep...
Pick a level, and dats how far we'll go.
But just, trust in me.
Cuz I can Keep.
Toy Soldier with a Glass Heart

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One of my favriote speeches~