"I Have a Dream"

"Were ganna Work it Out..." PEACE

"Where is the Love"



LETS CHANGE THE WORLD!!! (song starts at 30 seconds)

Welcome...To Me~

Hey, This is the Portal to my soul, all this...
it's the me you dont know...Have fun reading into my heart.

The Power of being a Good Person-

The Power of being a Good Person-
try it.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Question to the ones who cause pain

Cmon, is that all you got? This dull sadness, blunt anger, oblique pain? Is that it!?....No nothing, just thought I'd ask.

Thoughts of Our End.

I know your gone, permanently dissipated.
But forever burned in my memory, etched on my soul, forced onto my heart.
How I wish I could rip you from my heart, erase you from my memory, and clean you from my soul.
But I know it's meant to be as it is, didn't have to go as it did, but I cant change what has been..
As much as it pains me to see, the craze in your mind.
I pity you for the lies, you believe.
But I will always love you.....Till the day I die.
And in my heart you'll always lie.
As much as I wish I could begin again, in land far away, from all the pain.
Just let it all fade, close my eyes and begin again...
But here I stand, I'll be at the top, of something that you will never understand.
My sweet Butterfly, may you understand....

"My Sweet Honey Bee"


Fear of the Uknown

Its like loving a ghost. Wanting to hold, what might not really be there.

Trusting what might easily flee away.

It's the fear of what you cant see...

The fear of what you can't touch...

But you can feel.

You can feel it there as if they were right in front of you.

You could see a picture, close your eyes and imagine theyre there, at your side, lying with you, holding your hand.

But the relief that theyre not there, sometimes, so you know you'll never have to feel the pain of not having them there.

You cant miss what you never had.


Yet I miss you, I crave you, I want you.....And dare I say it- I fear I may need you....

But so much rides on this decision....so many factors.... the same factors that had torn me apart before, now return..

But your not like them, at all....

Yet, you silly ghost, you still haunt my every waking thought, and bring a smile to this twisted heart.

Oh how I adore you so.

But let me just walk on, and think I know what Im doing, and ignore this yanking fear

of the Unknown.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Bliss Mess-Lovely Dream

I never get tired of hearin your voice. Seenin your face. Its kind of a maze, this intricate bliss mess that we've created. But here we'll lie, in our mess, playing with the stars, realigning the world. Pretending that we know. that we understand the extent, of this bliss mess.

But its okay, thats why we got every day, to wake up and make our ways. I mean, I might not get this, lovely dream. But I know that this just might be, as we see.

It might just be a blissful dream, an unreal seam, stitched by the hands higher than we, meant to let us be, and tying us together in this dream. But its crazy, you try and blink it away, but its kind of hazy. Nothings clear, you wanna walk forward but you got your hands out in front to support you, tryin to feel your way, not knowing the time of day.

But were in too deep, jumped too far, falling too hard. Its kind of scary, when I move to cover my eyes, feelin too weary- I feel you,takin me in, holdin my hands, grabin me tight, telling me it'll all be alright.

"I'll never be like them." And I dont gatta believe it, cuz I know it. Your nothing like them, not even close to the stem, which their black heart grew from.

Your the equivalent to gold, rare and precious. We speak; you use a voice that makes me go weak, that would make even the most senile come to, honey sweet times two. Watch us pretend, act like we wont ever bend. Like were so tough, and we dont care. But heres the stare, in your eyes i could find my soul. the one you stole the moment I opened that door.

Baby its clear, like crystal, youll see my tears, but not cuz you make me sad, not because of the fear, but cuz were that near, and id let you go where no ones veered. Id let you see,all the way, deep inside me.

I dont know how this can be, its no dream, its as it seems, all of this you mean to me.

Its a blissful mess, that i wouldnt wish away; not for all the dreams of yesterday.

Because for now your my lovely dream, a high quality reality.

And ima lie in this mess, twisted and tied, to your eyes.

But I wont turn my gaze, cuz I wanna die in this daze.

Forever more Ima spend my days, lost in this mess, cuz it truly is, the best bliss that i dont wanna ever miss..

Toy Soldier with a Glass Heart

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