"I Have a Dream"

"Were ganna Work it Out..." PEACE

"Where is the Love"



LETS CHANGE THE WORLD!!! (song starts at 30 seconds)

Welcome...To Me~

Hey, This is the Portal to my soul, all this...
it's the me you dont know...Have fun reading into my heart.

The Power of being a Good Person-

The Power of being a Good Person-
try it.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Quite Dream....

To feel so inspired and to want so so so badly to make that difference
that you almost yearn it, need it for your existence to continue without pain...
But to feel such passion, and feel so lost as to how you can further that passion....
It's almost worse than the pain of losing a great love.....
Because you have the love....it's right there in front of you,
right in your grasp so close, your fingers can almost wrap around it and pluck it from where it hangs in front of you taunting you....
but you cant....
It's just far enough that you can't reach it.......
And at times you get tired of jumping....
like a little kid being tortured by someone taller, someone older......who pushes you down and beats you up.....
But you gotta get back up.
Because one day you'll grow taller, and older too and that big kid
Wont seem so big anymore.
But for now my heart yearns.....
For something so far beyond what others think....
To feel alone even though I know I am not.
I know there are more out there who yearn as much as I do.
But who wants it more?
Who's passion burns stronger?
How badly do they want to make that change?
How badly do I want to make it??
Am I really willing to risk it all for an ideal....to wrap my hands at something that may not even ever come true......
I think the true fear is that I know in my heart......
.......that I would......
That the answer is yes....
But now I find myself asking more and more on a daily basis, How?
How could I make it happen??....
Something that began as a simple minute thought......has snowballed into something much larger.....something larger than myself......something I am not the claimer of.....I claim no stakes on the ideas, on the thoughts- they are but a mixture of readings of hundreds of movers before me.....This must be an obsession.......
People who, just like me, learned from others before them, saw wisdom in the lines of words in books, who took the spoken knowledge of the lips from strangers and known people alike, let the words and ideals that burned from others passions in a multitude of topics ignite small fires in their own souls and minds over time
Until finally it mixed and molded something great.....their own beliefs.
Until they now had a set of values and ideals they could call their own beliefs. Things that they saw to be true.
Whatever it may be. But things they held dear and true. Things they would fight for, things they would protect.
Things that weren't tangible. No, these were more valuable than any jewel, these "things" were sets of thoughts; sculpted ideas painted into one masterpiece of self decided guidelines for what would come to shape the rest of their life.....
Fueled by passion, but grown through knowledge. These weren't just any beliefs.
No, these were the beliefs and views of a revolutionary.
Thought and ideals that were meant to cause change and ignite a passion, a higher state of thinking in others to cause a change for greater good....of people.
So much I could say....I find my fingers unable to keep up with my thoughts.....
But alas....I will stop here.....
Because to explain the multitude of passions in this mind alone....I fear any reader would not keep up at this time.
But one day.....one day.....something will be written that no reader will want to put down....
but until that day...I can only say.....no write.....
That these words are my own, but these feelings......have been, are, and will be......shared by millions......
I am not alone.
There are those out there who seek a truer world.....where the word "justice" and "the United States of America" are still synonymous but hold truth as well. Where the lies are put forth for the world to see, and the people are no longer treated as the oblivious idiots they allow themselves to be........
It's a long stretch, I know.
But greater wars have been fought for less......
Why not fight for something with meaning this time?
Think about it......

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